HW Emokor presiding over the enrolment ceremony at High Court
On Friday September 3,2021, the Registrar High Court, HW Samuel Emokor, presided over two ceremonieswhere a total of 88 lawyers were enrolled as advocates of the High Court.
The enrollmentceremonies, which took place at the Judiciary Headquarters in Kampala, weresplit into two shifts in order to observe COVID-19 SOPs.
In both shifts, HWEmokor, who represented the Chief Registrar, emphasized the need for disciplineby adhering to the professional code of conduct. He urged the new advocates tofind areas of specialty in practice, embrace offering pro-bono services andalways look out for recruitment opportunities in both Government and privatesector.
The new officers ofcourt were further advised to consider operations in different parts of thecountry because many people there have legal challenges but with little accessto advocates.
"The demand for legalservices out there is high. Unfortunately, many lawyers are concentrated in theKampala Central Business District. And as such, a number of people do not getjustice because there is no one to help them raise their issues in Court," HWEmokor observed.
HW Emokor asked thenew advocates to embrace Judiciary's innovations that have been put in placefor quick justice delivery such as Small Claims Procedure, Mediation and PleaBargaining, to mention but a few.
Speaking on behalf ofthe President Uganda Law Society (ULS), Mr Alex Matovu, the Society’sChairperson on the Legal Education Committee, emphasized the need forcontinuous legal education and mentorship.
"At ULS, we haveintroduced engagements for lawyers' continuous legal trainings, skilling andeducation. We shall concentrate more on young lawyers' mentorship series," hesaid.
Mr Matovu stated thatULS Academy has been started to teach young lawyers how to professionallymanage law firms and also to act as a platform to be connected to seniorlawyers for career guidance.
He however appealed tothe new advocates to be faithful, approachable and teachable if they are to besuccessful professionals.
Speaking on behalf ofthe Uganda Law Council, Mr Aaron Motoka briefed the new advocates to abide bythe code of conduct that binds them as advocates. He went on to share tips ofexcellence in the profession.
"You can’tconvince anyone if you can’t portray a high degree of professional competence,honesty, and transparency," Mr Motoka said.
He further argued themto use their skills to judge and make decisions in all cases they willundertake during practice.
The climax of theceremonies was the registering the names of the new officers of court on theroll of advocates and receiving practicing certificates.
Posted 3rd, September 2021